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Saturday 15 November 2014

A recent protest that started in Kerala(India) and gaining popularity throughout India. The protesters assemble in a huge number and couples start kissing or hugging each other in a public place. More protesters belong to the age group of 18-30 and hence the protest is spreading throughout the nation with the help of Social Media.
How it all Start?
                Every year there has been several incidences reported about MORAL POLICING and small protests were also conducted against the MORAL POLICING. Some incidences were shear brutal and gained national attention (Mangalore Pub Incident). Moral Police are nothing but a bunch of people being communal and trying to impose the Culture over the followers of Religion/Caste. After a kissing story was popular in Kerala the whole Coffee Shop was destroyed by these people and soon the news spread and protests started. Social media played a vital role in making this protest as active as now and named it “KISS OF LOVE”.

Moral Policing – Doing it in a Wrong Way
                Some places in India are very much sensitive in terms of Communal feelings and Religious practices. In such places there are communities with political influence trying to act as a protector of culture. Though the common people are against this moral policing there has been no concrete measures taken by the Government against it.
To those Moral Police: What have you done for this country that made its citizens proud?

India being an Independent country has given the citizens all rights and freedoms as per the constitutional agreement……SO ITS LEGAL. Citizens of the country can follow their culture, religion, beliefs, and practices without harming others. So, how does kissing or hugging in public harm anybody??!!  A grown up man pissing in public is fine but not couple kissing??!! Why these outrageous activities and bullying against common people?? 
                Moral policing is something which must to be removed from the society if the country has to develop. Targeting and Victimization of couples /community in the name of culture and religion is truly ridiculous. Culture should not be imposed but to be followed. Come-on Man, are we still in the age of Polygamy & Sathi practices?? Time has changed and this is a modern era of Technology. We reached Mars but still not being able to respect and love each other.

                If you are worried about the Country, then go fight the Terrorists and not your own people.
                If you are worried about the Country, then protect women from home violence and rapes.
                If you are worried about the Country, then help providing education to the poor kids.
                If you are worried about the Country, then help the youths to shape their future.

Contribute to your country which can benefit to the Growth of it instead of being a Cockroach in your own kitchen. Then we can hope that there won’t be such protests and ‘Kiss of Love’ will have its own meaning.

Enough..Stop It !!  Live and Let Live…

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